P-05-902 Paternal Mental Health (New Fathers Mental Health)

This petition was submitted by Mark Williams having collected a total of 116 signatures.


Text of Petition   

In a "landmark move" NHS England will screen and support fathers for their mental health if the partner has a perinatal mental health illness.


The biggest killer in men under 50 is suicide and with a new debate in Parliament we feel the Welsh Government should be following and funding new father's mental health as without the support it can impact on mums and the development of the child.


The National Childbirth Trust "Dads in Distress report in 2015 found 38% of dads worry about their own mental health and 73% worry about their partners mental health.


1 in 10 dads suffer postnatal depression which looks different more anger, drinking, substance abuse and of course dads struggle to bond with their children too.


Fatherhood pressure is different than years ago with same gender couples and stay at home dads support needs to be in place.


Due to lack of support and screening dads often go into other services at crisis point after the relationship sadly has ended.


The Still Face experiment with dads explains the importance of supporting dad for his mental health due to importance of the first 1001 days antenatal and postnatal period.


When supporting all parents it has far better outcomes for the whole family.


We would like Wales to follow NHS England's new long term plan and include fathers.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Ogmore

·         South Wales West